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The blog with simple strategies to grow and monetise.

Join other Strategy Success Labsters 'INSIDE THE LAB'; a free newsletter for creative small business to grow & monetise your internet business.

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How to Craft an Effective Sales Strategy within a Nurturing Customer Journey Funnel

February 01, 20236 min read

Contrary to popular belief, a solid sales strategy won’t transform you into a pushy salesperson from a bygone era. It's all about striking the perfect balance between selling and nurturing—a balance that often eludes new entrepreneurs, leaving them with unimpressive sales and damaged self-confidence. Here's how to get it right.

Debunking Common Sales Misconceptions

Reason 1: Negative Stereotypes About Sales

Many people view sales as a dubious practice, fearing they'll turn into that pushy salesperson nobody likes. This is a grave misunderstanding and does a disservice to both the business owner and the consumer.

Example: If you're selling handmade jewellery, don't shy away from showcasing its uniqueness and value, worrying you'll be perceived as sleazy. Chances are your audience values your craftsmanship and wants to support you.

Reason 2: Fear of Seeming Desperate

The worry here is that by selling, you might appear desperate and scare off potential customers. This is another misconception. Selling is a part of doing business, and your audience knows this.

Example: If you have a limited-time offer for a consultation service, make sure to put it front and centre. Your audience likely follows you to be in the loop about such opportunities.

Reason 3: Equating Sales to Self-Worth

Some entrepreneurs believe that a rejection in sales is a rejection of them personally, which is far from the truth.

Example: If you're a fitness coach and someone opts not to sign up for your program, it's not a rejection of you. It could simply mean the timing isn't right for them.

The Long-Term Impact of Unaddressed Sales Misconceptions

Failing to address these limiting beliefs can result in a stagnant business growth trajectory, especially for those just starting out online. These misconceptions can cause you to self-sabotage your sales efforts, creating a cycle of low sales, decreased self-esteem, and reduced motivation to innovate or market effectively. 


Imagine you've launched an online course platform but avoid pushing sales due to the fear of being 'salesy.' Over time, your low sales figures may not only affect your self-esteem but also your ability to invest back into your business, be it in marketing, product improvement, or customer service. Your brand becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, all because you allowed misconceptions to dictate your actions.

By understanding and rectifying these limiting beliefs, you open the doors for healthy business growth, better customer relationships, and improved product offerings, ultimately breaking the self-defeating cycle these misconceptions perpetuate.

Three Balanced Strategies for Effective Sales

Step 1: Understand Your Customer's Needs

Be proactive in gathering data across various touchpoints in your customer journey funnel to anticipate and address future needs.

1. Example 1: You run a small online fitness coaching business. You conduct a survey among your subscribers to find out what their biggest health hurdles are. Most of them express difficulty in sticking to a diet. As a result, you create a new diet tracking feature in your coaching program.

2. Example 2: Your online store sells tech gadgets. You notice a pattern of abandoned carts for a specific high-ticket item. You reach out to those customers to find out what's holding them back and discover that they're concerned about warranty. You then include a free extended warranty to address this concern.

Step 2: Show Genuine Interest in Your Audience

Your communication shouldn't just be about what you're selling; it should be about what your audience is gaining. Keep up with issues that affect their lives.

1. Example 1: In a SaaS business, rather than just pitching your software's features, you share case studies and articles that address the broader challenges and opportunities in your customers' industries. 

2. Example 2: You're a consultant for online entrepreneurs. Your LinkedIn posts don't just promote your own services but also highlight client success stories, share insightful articles from other sources, and celebrate industry milestones like small business grants or relevant legislation being passed.

Step 3: Focus on Clear Messaging and Communication

Communication is key. Break down complex aspects of what you're offering into bite-sized, digestible pieces of information.

1. Example 1: For an online fashion retail business, you break down the features of your newly launched clothing line into bite-sized social media posts, each focusing on one unique selling point, such as material quality, sustainable practices, or price advantage.

2. Example 2: You offer an online course on digital marketing. Instead of overwhelming prospective students with all the modules at once, you release a series of emails that detail each module individually, explaining what they will learn and how it will benefit them.

By implementing these three balanced strategies, you'll not only make your marketing efforts more targeted but also help your audience understand and appreciate the true value of what you're offering. This way, you foster a healthy sales environment that serves both your business and your customer base. 

Key Takeaways for New Entrepreneurs

Creating a profitable online business involves more than just setting up shop and hoping for the best. A well-thought-out sales strategy within a nurturing customer journey can be a game-changer. The three steps outlined above are your starting point: Understand your customer's needs, show genuine interest, and communicate clearly.

By effectively implementing these strategies, not only do you make your offerings more appealing, but you also build a community of loyal customers who value your products and services. And yes, they will want to hear what you have to offer. So go ahead, tell them!

  • Understanding Customer Needs: It's crucial to invest time in researching and understanding what your customers truly need. Whether through surveys or direct outreach, this step can't be skipped.

  • Genuine Interest: Your audience can tell when you're genuinely interested in their well-being. Sharing useful content beyond what directly concerns your product or service can make a world of difference.

  • Clear Messaging: Don't drown your audience in too much information at once. Keep your messaging clear and straightforward, broken down into digestible pieces.

  • Surveys for Insight: These are a goldmine of information about your customers' preferences and pain points. Use them strategically.

  • Case Studies: Highlighting customer success stories can boost your credibility and show that you're genuinely interested in your customers' success.

  • Multi-Channel Strategy: Leverage various platforms, like social media and email, to communicate different aspects of your offering.

  • Incremental Information: Rather than overwhelming your potential customers with all the details at once, an incremental approach to information sharing can be more effective.

These takeaways can act as a guidepost as you navigate the complexities of creating an effective sales strategy for your online business. It's all about creating a balanced approach that serves both your needs and those of your customers.

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Kate Whitley

Kate is an awesome person, who strives to have an empire of greatness!

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